Apng Support Is Coming To Chrome 91

APNG Support Is Coming to Chrome 91

PNGs are about to get a whole lot more dynamic

Chrome 91 will finally support APNG, an animated PNG format that's been around for over a decade. APNGs are similar to GIFs, but they offer several advantages, including:

  • Transparency: APNGs support transparency, which means they can be used to create animations with transparent backgrounds.
  • Higher quality: APNGs use a lossless compression algorithm, which means they can produce higher-quality animations than GIFs.
  • Smaller file size: APNGs are often smaller in file size than GIFs, which makes them ideal for use on the web.

With Chrome 91, APNGs will be supported on all major web browsers. This will make it much easier for developers to create and use animated PNGs on the web.

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