Romania Schengen Visa 2024

Romania to Join Schengen Area on March 31, 2024

Eliminating Border Controls for Air and Land Travel

Significant Milestone for European Integration

Romania has taken a significant step towards European integration by securing membership in the Schengen Area, effective March 31, 2024. This historic achievement will eliminate border controls at airports and land borders, allowing for seamless travel within the region.

The Schengen Area currently includes 26 countries, covering most of the European Union. Romania's accession to the zone will further strengthen the free movement of people and goods, providing economic and social benefits to both Romania and its neighbors.

While the Schengen Agreement has been in place for decades, Romania's accession has been delayed due to persistent concerns over border management and corruption. However, with significant progress made in these areas, the country has now met the necessary criteria for membership.

The removal of border controls will significantly improve travel experiences for Romanians and visitors alike. It will reduce waiting times, facilitate business travel, and boost tourism.

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