Romanian Flag

Romanian Flag: A Symbol of National Pride and History


The flag of Romania, known as the Drapelul României, is a symbol of national pride and unity. Its design and colors have a rich history, reflecting the country's cultural heritage and political evolution.

Historical Background

The official colors of the Romanian flag—blue, yellow, and red—were first adopted during the 1834 Wallachian Revolution. The Moldavian Revolution in 1848 also used these colors, and in 1861, they were officially adopted as the flag of the United Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia.

In 1881, the flag's design was standardized with three equal vertical bands of blue, yellow, and red. The blue band represents the sky, the yellow band represents the country's golden wheat fields, and the red band represents the blood shed for independence.

Legal Basis

The Romanian flag is governed by Law no. 751994, which establishes its protocol and use. This law outlines the flag's dimensions, proportions, and the occasions when it is flown.

Symbolism and Meaning

The Romanian flag is a powerful symbol of the country's history, culture, and aspirations. The blue, yellow, and red bands represent the sky, the wheat fields, and the blood of Romanian patriots.

The flag is flown with pride at official ceremonies, national holidays, and sporting events. It is a reminder of Romania's sovereignty, independence, and the sacrifices made by its citizens throughout history.

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